Finished up another semester. First time in quite some time…ever?…that I taught a full semester and didn’t fail a single student. Not sure how I feel about that.
People fretted way too much about the 15/40 Rule. Ironically, it only affected a handful of people, and the ones who were affected only lost a point or two. So I’m going to tighten it up: it’ll heretofore be known as The 10/30 Rule.
Overall, it was a fun semester. One thing to note: my 3 Economics sections were 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 Music Business majors (who are required to take the class). The best section–they asked the most questions, got the most into it, and performed the best–was the one which was 1/2 Music Business majors. Which pretty much serves as confirmation that the % Music Business majors has nothing to do with how good a class is.
I’ll also declare success on eliminating the Economics midterm. It made timing less awkward, feed up 2 hours of class time, and allowed for larger, more challenging take-home quizzes during the semester.